ASSITEJ World Congress 2021 (Japan)

A Bucket of Beetles
Papermoon Puppet Theatre
Non-Verbal Cinematic Puppetry Performance from Indonesia
ASSITEJ Awards Ceremony
ASSITEJ International
Join Us In Celebrating the Achievements of Our Community
Artistic Encounter Part 1 - Session A
ASSITEJ International
Let's Begin the Journey Together!
Artistic Encounter Part 1 - Session B
ASSITEJ International
Let's Begin the Journey Together!
Artistic Encounter Part 2 - Session A
ASSITEJ International
Come and Finish Packing Your Suitcase for the Future!
Artistic Encounter Part 2 - Session B
ASSITEJ International
Come and Finish Packing Your Suitcase for the Future!
Buffalo Boy
Epic Arts
A Journey of Inclusive Communication
ASSITEJ International
Join Us As We Wave Goodbye To the 20th ASSITEJ World Congress
Closing Ceremony 閉会式
Join the ASSITEJ Community in Celebration of the Event
Delegates Icebreaker - 1
ASSITEJ International
Come and Meet Attendees From All Over the World!
Delegates Icebreaker - 2
ASSITEJ International
Come and Meet Attendees From All Over the World!
A Multi Award Winning Play About What Happens To Us When We Love and We Lose
FRINGE: Enjoying the Maturi Festival Together 囃し囃されおまつりひろば
ARAUMAZA Jananese Folk Entertainment Performance Company 民族歌舞団 荒馬座
Enjoy Japanese Drums, Dances, and Festivals 日本の太鼓・踊り・祭”MATSURI”を楽しもう
FRINGE: Festival Lucky Bag おまつり福袋
Festival Entertainment Group Dengakuza お祭り芸能集団 田楽座
Eliminating Evil Diseases with Power! お祭りパワーで厄病退散
FRINGE: Hand Shadows - Animare
Shadow Play Theater KAKASHIZA 劇団かかし座
Our Hands Have Infinite Possibilities! この手に、限界はない。
FRINGE: Le Petit Prince ル プチ プリンスLe Petit Prince~星の王子さま~
Dramatic Company Choju Giga 劇団鳥獣戯画
A Performance Filled with Fantasy ファンタジーパフォーマンス
FRINGE: Own Eyes - See the World Yourself Own Eyes〜キミの心でみる世界〜
Mina Watoto
Experience the Stage with Your Body and Mind 「身体」と「心」で感じる舞台
FRINGE: Penoshima ペノシマ
Dctpeppers Theatre ドクトペッパズ
Dolls & Shadow Play 人形×影絵
FRINGE: Taiko Live - Michikusa Dong Dok 太鼓ライブ「道草ドンどこ」
Tamakko-Za 太鼓と芝居のたまっ子座
The Drum Plays! Life Itself Dances! 太鼓が弾む!いのちが踊る!
FRINGE: The Old Man Who Made Dead Trees Bloom 花咲爺~はなさかじいさん
Tsubame-Ya & Ginyudajin 人形芝居燕屋+吟遊打人
A Story of Regeneration Told with Taiko Drums and Imagination 太鼓とモノによる再生の物語
FRINGE: The Sound of Memory きおくのおと
A Story from the Perspective of a Chair
FRINGE: The World of Sound and Words シモシュ×末原拓馬「音と言葉の世界」
The Most Beautiful Rain in the World ~世界でいちばん美しい雨~
Foyer Networking 1
ASSITEJ International
Informal Chats with the ASSITEJ Community
Foyer Networking 2
ASSITEJ International
Informal Chats with the ASSITEJ Community
Foyer Networking 3
ASSITEJ International
Informal Chats with the ASSITEJ Community
Foyer Networking 4
ASSITEJ International
Informal Chats with the ASSITEJ Community
Foyer Networking 5
ASSITEJ International
Informal Chats with the ASSITEJ Community
General Assembly - Session 1
ASSITEJ International
The First General Assembly Meeting of 2021
General Assembly - Session 2
ASSITEJ International
Join Us Again for The Next General Assembly Session
General Assembly - Session 3
ASSITEJ International
The 2021 General Assembly Meets for a Third Time
General Assembly - Session 4
ASSITEJ International
The Fourth Meeting of the General Assembly in 2021
General Assembly - Session 5
ASSITEJ International
The Fifth & Final Meeting of the General Assembly
Gerda’s Room
Osobnyak Theatre
Did Gerda Really Go Out to Look for Kai?
Hocus Pocus
Cie Philippe Saire
Contemporary Dance from Switzerland
I Will Be Everything…
I Will Be Everything…
Live Music, Projection, Shadow Puppetry and Animation with an Ensemble of Six Actors From Across Europe
Innovative TYA Responses to COVID - 1
ASSITEJ International
Examples From Around the World
Innovative TYA Responses to COVID - 2
ASSITEJ International
Examples From Around the World
Innovative TYA Responses to COVID - 3
ASSITEJ International
Examples From Around the World
Innovative TYA Responses to COVID - 4
ASSITEJ International
Examples From Around the World
Innovative TYA Responses to COVID - 5
ASSITEJ International
Examples From Around the World
KOYO Mime Live KOYOマイムライブ
A Funny Encounter カラダとモノの笑える出会い
LEO - The Antigravity Show
Y2D Productions (Montreal, Canada) in association with Chamäleon Productions (Berlin, Germany)
A Video Insight For Professionals About The Production
LIFE a Mudpie
The 10 Finger Theatre
A Theatre Show Without Words! Funny, Visual, and Playful!
La Maison France / France House Lounge
Scènes d'enfance - ASSITEJ France
ASSITEJ France Welcomes Delegates to Meet French Artists & Explore the French Programme at the Congress
Meet The Creatives: A Bucket of Beetles
Papermoon Puppet Theatre
An Opportunity to Meet the Creatives Involved & Ask Them Questions
Meet The Creatives: Buffalo Boy
Epic Arts
An Opportunity to Meet The Creatives Involved & Ask Them Questions
Meet the Creatives: EURIA
An Opportunity to Meet the Creatives Involved & Ask Them Questions
Meet the Creatives: Gerda's Room
Osobnjak Theater
An Opportunity to Meet the Creatives & Ask Them Questions
Meet the Creatives: Hocus Pocus
Cie Philippe Saire
An Opportunity to Meet The Creatives Involved & Ask Them Questions
Meet the Creatives: I Will Be Everything
I Will Be Everything…
An Opportunity to Meet the Creatives Involved & Ask Them Questions
Meet the Creatives: Na vukovom tragu (trans. On the wolf's trail)
Pozorište mladih Novi Sad / Youth Theater Novi Sad
An Opportunity to Meet the Creatives Involved & Ask them Questions
Meet the Creatives: Own Two Feet
Midnight Theatre Company (Miðnætti)
An Opportunity to Meet The Creatives Involved & Ask Them Questions
Na Vukovom Tragu (trans. On The Wolf's Trail)
Pozorište mladih Novi Sad / Youth Theater Novi Sad
Nihonbuyo & Nagauta - Japanese Classical Dance & Music 日本舞踊×長唄 ~伝統舞踊と伝統音楽の共演~
20th ASSITEJ World Congress Tokyo Executive Committee 第20回アシテジ世界大会・東京実行委員会
One Morning I Left…
Teatro de Ocasión
A Journey Of Colours, Sounds, Landscapes, and Animals
Opening Ceremony 開会式
Join ASSITEJ Japan In Celebrating the Start of the World Congress
Own Two Feet
Midnight Theatre Company (Miðnætti)
Inspired by Japanese Puppetry and the Icelandic Natural Environment & Farm Life
Compagnia Rodisio
A Poetic Reflection on the Complex, Fragile, and Unique Act of Growing Up
Princess Pyung-gang and Stupid Ondal - English Subtitles
Bookteller's Quilt
Every Ordinary Object can be a Toy to Play With, Every Space Can Be Transformed into a Theatre
Princess Pyung-gang and Stupid Ondal - Japanese Subtitles
Bookteller's Quilt
Every Ordinary Object can be a Toy to Play With, Every Space Can Be Transformed into a Theatre
Rakuza  東洋館笑楽座
Rakugo Arts Association 公益社団法人 落語芸術協会
A Fantastic Rakugo Performance from Japan
The Art of War
Children's Art Theatre of China Welfare Institute
Telling the Story of 'The Tortoise and the Hare’ through the Art of War
The Circus Lights サーカスの灯(ひ)
La Strada Company ラストラーダカンパニー
Japanese Paper, Clowning, and Lights 和紙×道化師×灯
The House of Small Cubes - Tsumike no le
Compagnie Spectabilis
Puppetry from France
The Little Prince
Kwasha! Theatre Company
A Magical Southern African Adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Classic Fable
The Little Red Riding Hood
GOMPA Project
A Brazilian Adaptation of A Classic Tale
The Noh Play: Hagoromo 能楽公演「羽衣」
20th ASSITEJ World Congress Tokyo Executive Committee 第20回アシテジ世界大会・東京実行委員会
A Popular Work That Depicts the Beauty of the Japanese Culture
The World of Edo Marionettes 江戸糸あやつり人形の世界
The Edo Marionette Group 江戸糸あやつり人形の世界
Japanese Style Marionette Theatre
Welcome to the Land of Musical Instruments 楽器の国へようこそ
ROBA Music Theatre ロバの音楽座
In Search of Fun and Peaceful Sounds ココロときめくヘイワな音を
kabinet k & hetpaleis
A Dance Performance with Untamable Energy!
As a Mother, As a Baby Theatre Director - TYA Pioneers
Pei-Chi Chan
Rediscovering the World Through the Eyes of Babies
Gillo On The Go!: Touring with Theatre for Children
Gillo Repertory Theatre
Making TYA Accessible and Inclusive
Japanese Sword Fighting Workshop ドキドキワクワク殺陣アクション!
Takeshi Ishida 石田武
Punch and Kick in Sync with Your Breathing!
Kabuki - A Workshop for Beginners 歌舞伎ことはじめ
Zenshin-za Theatre 劇団前進座
Learn About the Fascinating World of Kabuki
Sparkling Art Calligraphy Workshop  ハジケま書
Asako Yamada 山田麻子
Learn All About Japanese Calligraphy
Using Drama in Education
Shoaib Iqbal, ASSITEJ Pakistan
Workshop for Teachers On Using Drama for Effective Teaching and Communication
What is the Real Goal of International Networking Within and Beyond Asia?
Exploring International Networking with a Focus On Working In/With Asia & Asian Practitioners
B A T U (Playing and Creating Together from a Rectangle)
Artefactos Bascos (Ieltxu Ortueta)
An Interactive Workshop for Children to Create Live Art-Works
Theatre Mediation for Diversity in TYA: An Open Call for an E-Learning Programme
An E-Learning Programme Seeking to Diversify Audiences
Children in Artistic Research
Melissa da Silva Ferreira
A Wonderful Chance to Exchange Views on Academic Research with Children in the Performing Arts
Collaborating with Children
Action Transport Theatre; Nina Hajiyianni & Kevin Dyer with Sarah Argent
A Short Documentary on the Making of 'Adrift' Followed by Discussions About Collaborating with Children
Dramaturgy for Young Audiences: Theatre, Culture, and Community
Silvina Patrignoni
A Space for Dialogue and Reflection on Different Ways to Write and Choose Plays for Young People
Girl with the Magic Paintbrush
Daniel Hutchinson
Live Art, Music and Dance with Kitty Kat and Cup Cake
Our Poetic Self is For Everyone
Sisters Hope
Cutting Edge Work of the Nordic Performance Group, Sisters Hope
Tapping into our Childhood Through Play *POSTPONED*
ASSTEJ South Africa
Meeting the Child in All of Us...
Tell Me True
Jen Frith - Pelican Productions
Stories Matter and There is No Substitute for Living Your Own Story
Music in Theatre for Early Years
Theatre Madam Bach
A Great Way to Make Your Own Soundscapes
Set Design in Theatre for Early Years
Small Size Network
Exploring Early Years Aesthetics
Theatre for Early Years: A Poetic of the Encounter
Teatro al Vacío
Sharing Experiences about the Performing Arts and Early Childhood from Latin America
Tiny Humans, Big Wonder: Dramaturgy and Theatre for the Very Young
Taylor Jane Cooper, Jane Scheirmeyer Hansen, and Dr. Karen Jean Martinson
Creating Theatre for the Very Young - Join Us In our Discovery!
Afeif Ismail and Vivienne Glance
Afeif Ismail and Vivienne Glance Talk about Working Across Language and Culture
Let's Get Physical! Movement & Play Based Workshop for Child/Parent Pairs
Generator - An International Collaborative Platform Dedicated to the Development of Dance for (and with) Young Audiences
Sharing Opportunities for Exchange and Partnership in the Field of Dance for Young Audiences in Europe
Secrets, Tips, and Tricks of Teenage Audience Engagement
Segni d'infanzia & TEEN Project Partners
A Great Opportunity to Discover Ways of Engaging Teenagers in TYA
TEEN Kitchen Table Meeting - No One Left Behind
Segni D'Infanzia / TEEN Project Partners
An Opportunity to Listen to Teenage Voices
TYA as Passport
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Department of Theatre & Dance
Experiencing Global Culture in TYA from Hawaiʻi, USA
ID That We Need - Indeed?
LOFT - Puppet Organization, That We Need Indeed
Walk Down Memory Lane with Croatian Artists!
New Wave in Theatre Mediation in Russia: Theatre Pedagogy and the ‘Socio-Playing Educational’ Aesthetic
Saratov Academic Kiselev Youth Theater
Facilitating an Interesting and Playful Post-Show Discussion With Children
Shared Experiences: A Workshop for ASSITEJ National Centres
Executive Committee of ASSITEJ International
Exploring an Emerging Toolkit of Shared Experiences From Across the Globe
Sharing Uncertainties: Scenic Poetics for Young Audiences in a Virtual Context
Coletivo Antônia
A Manual (With No Answers!) on How to Create Scenic Poetics for Babies in the Virtual World
ASSITEJ Germany & Goethe-Institut Tokyo - New Directions in TYA
ASSITEJ Germany & Goethe-Institut Tokyo
Thoughts and Talks on Direct(ing) Responsibility, and New Directions - Re-thinking Directorship in TYA
Act Out Justice
University of Central Florida / Orlando Repertory Theatre
Creating Devised Theatre for Social Change with Youth in a Tumultuous America
Open Stages: TYA and Migration
ASSITEJ National Centres of France, Italy, and Spain
How Does TYA Address Migrations? A Collaborative Idea-Exchange Platform
Paths of Artistic Creation: Improvisation and Very Young Audiences
Cie du Porte-Voix / La Maison France / France House
Une rencontre autour de la création pour la petite enfance
This is Grayson
Gold Satino
How Queer Guerilla Performance Makers Translated Their Radically Intimate and Queer Aesthetic For 8–12 Year Olds
Barrowland Ballet: Making Work With and For Young People with Complex Needs
Barrowland Ballet
Artistic Director, Natasha Gilmore, Discusses Her Work
Completing the Communication Circuit
Association Nebograd
How to Produce Theatre for Children Who Have Autism
Jenny Sealey and Mike Kenny: Notes from A Writer and A Director
The Theatre Royal Bath
Jenny Sealey and Mike Kenny Discuss Their Work & Careers
Meet IIAN: Shape The Future
You are Here, You are Safe - Now Invite Others
Meet the Creatives: IIAN Workshop
Celebrating and Playing with Inclusive Work
Meet the IIAN Champions
International Inclusive Arts Network
An Opportunity to Meet and be Part of the Global Inclusive Arts Community
Silent Theatre Workshop
The Little Foxes
How to Include Everyone
Centring Inclusivity
Jayne Batzofin
How to Develop Inclusive Performances and Programmes
Branding: Making Use of Fine Differences in Multicultural Settings
Junge Buehne Bern & Christoph Hebing & Sinje Homann
Using Diversity to Boost Branding
Building Bridges from Ibero America
Performing Arts for Children and Young People Ibero American Network
Find out the Ibero American Network's Proposals for 2021
How Can International Organisations Work Together Creatively to Support Artists in Times of Crisis?
Yvette Hardie, President of ASSITEJ International
An Opportunity to Explore Synergies Across the Global Arts Ecosystem
National Centre Roundtable - Connecting ASSITEJ Staff & Leadership Worldwide
ASSITEJ International
A Chance for ASSITEJ National Centres to Come Together and Share Experiences
Working/Creating Internationally in TYA - A SWOT Analysis
Compagnie la Casquette
A Panel Discussion Exploring Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
Finding Creative Paths Through ‘Dipalo’- A Participatory Workshop on Writing a Play Worlds Apart
Write Local Play Global
Play Reading and Workshop for Theatre Makers and Playwrights based on 'Dipalo'
International Collaborations: The Translation Project
Write Local Play Global
Insights into the Cultural and Literal Translation of a New Play for Teenagers
Playwright Slam 1 - Slam with Plays By, For, and About Persons with Disability
Write Local Play Global & IIAN
Plays By, For, and About Persons with Disability
Playwright Slam 2 - Multilanguage
Write Local Play Global
A Terrific Opportunity to Hear Excerpts of Plays for Young Audiences
Playwright Slam 3 - Spanish & Portuguese Language Slam
Write Local Play Global & ATINA & The Ibero-American Network
Excerpts from Ibero American Playwrights in Spanish and Portuguese
Writing for New Generations
ATINA (ASSITEJ Argentina) and WLPG
Playwrights from Around the World Meet For A Casual Conversation About Plays and Audiences
Sensory Theatre for All Ages
Hong Kong 5 Senses Education Theatre
Creating A Sensory Theatre Experience for Babies and Young Children
A Symposium about Artistic and Cultural Awakening for Early Years
ASSITEJ France / La Maison France / France House
A Political Framework on Cultural Health for Babies and Their Families
Beginning the Creative Process with the Biography of a Character
La Negra María Teatro
Theatrical Experimentation by La Negra María Teatro
How Are You REALLY Doing?
ASSITEJ Netherlands
The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on TYA Professionals
Performing Arts for Early Years: Challenges and Artistic Possibilities / Театр для детей раннего возраста: вопросы содержания и выражения
ASSITEJ Lithuania
Seminar for Russian Speaking TYA Professionals / Семинар для русскоязычных профессионалов театра для юных зрителей"
ITYARN Conference: Welcome and Keynote
Welcome to the ITYARN Conference 2021
ITYARN Panel: Inclusivity and TYA
Panel C on Day 2 of the ITYARN Conference
ITYARN Panel: Theatre for Early Years
Panel B on Day 2 of the ITYARN Conference
ITYARN Panel: Theatre for Young Audiences in Japan
Panel A on Day 2 of the ITYARN Conference
ITYARN Plenary Panel: Identity and Theatre for Young Audiences
Plenary Panel on Day 2 of the ITYARN Conference
ITYARN Working Group: TYA and (post) Performances
Working Group B on Day 1 of the ITYARN Conference
ITYARN Working Group: TYA and Activism
Working Group A on Day 1 of the ITYARN Conference
ITYARN Working Group: TYA and Landscapes
Working Group C on Day 1 of the ITYARN Conference
Roundtable - Dramaturgy in Dance for Young Audiences
Young Dance Network
Sharing our Questions and Thoughts on Dramaturgy
Roundtable: The Young Dance Network
The Young Dance Network
A Conversation about The Network
Expressive Play からだで表現あそび〜離れていてもつながろう!〜
Tatuya Kusuhara 楠原竜也
Let's Be Connected Even If We're Apart!
Hand Shadow Workshop かかし座の手影絵に挑戦!
Shadow Play Theater KAKASHIZA 劇団かかし座
Our Hands Have Infinite Possibilities! この手に、限界はない。
Japanese Traditional Performing Arts Workshop 田楽座の南京玉すだれ体験
Festival Entertainment Group Dengakuza お祭り芸能集団 田楽座
Experience Some Nankin Tamasudare Techniques
Kyogen Workshop ノリノリ狂言体験!
Noriyoshi Okura 大藏教義
Becoming Kyogen Players
Musical Workshop ミュージカルワークショップ〜みんなでお祝いしよう、王様のお誕生日〜
It' Follies オールスタッフ/イッツフォーリーズ
Let's Celebrate the Birthday of the King Together
The Next Generation Network - What's Next?
Next Generation Network
An Opportunity to Hear About Recent Next Generation Activity and To Explore New Possibilities
Next Generation: Closing Event
Next Generation Programme
Join Us for the Finale of the Next Generation Programme at the 2021 World Congress
Next Generation: Open Public Forum 1
Next Generation Programme
Join Next Generation Participants for the First Open Public Forum
Next Generation: Open Public Forum 2
Next Generation Programme
Join Next Generation Participants for the Second Open Public Forum
Next Generation: Open Public Forum 3
Next Generation Programme
Join Next Generation Participants for the Third Open Public Forum
Next Generation: Welcome & Get Together 1
Next Generation Programme
A Welcome Event for Next Generation Participants