TEEN Kitchen Table Meeting - No One Left Behind
Segni D'Infanzia / TEEN Project Partners

The ‘TEEN Kitchen Table’ format was developed as part of ‘TEEN Ambassadors Across Europe’, a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union that aims to establish best practice audience development strategies in order to meaningfully engage with teenage audiences. The TEEN Kitchen Table Methodology is a reflection tool that is able to simultaneously engage Teenagers, Creative Professionals & Artists and Teachers in a unique and innovative way that stimulates dialogue about Theatre and Culture. The TEEN Kitchen Table events see Teenagers, Programme Managers, and Creative Professionals & Artists coming together around a food-laden Kitchen Table’ to debate. Indeed, during the project, diverse groups of Teenagers coming from across Europe moderate and lead discussions, related to Theatre, that they felt were particularly poignant. These TEEN Kitchen Table Meetings provided an opportunity for the Teenagers to share their thoughts and ideas on both national and international levels. This session will see TEEN Ambassadors from across Europe come together to discuss sustainability in Theatre, both from a planetary/environmental and economic/funding point of view, so that “no one is left behind”.
Production Credits
Cristina Cazzola, Project Leader of TEEN Ambassadors Across Europe & Artistic Director of Segni New Generations Festival. This methodology was developed in the context of two European cooperation projects - T.E.E.N. and TEEN Ambassadors across Europe, a project co-funded by the European Commission Creative Europe programme. The TEEN Ambassadors across Europe Project Partners were Segni d’infanzia (Italy), Teatercentrum in Denmark, Norsk Scenekunstbruk (Norway), Cultuurcentrum Hasselt (Belgium), “la Caixa” Foundation (Spain), and Performing Dialogue (United Kingdom).
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