Theatre Mediation for Diversity in TYA: An Open Call for an E-Learning Programme
Japan 2021 - Day 2 Theme: Digitising TYA
ConnectUp sets in place an international cultural initiative for participants aged 12+ in order to counteract the process of increasing social, ethnic, and cultural division. We aim to reach a full cross-section of society via auditoriums and theatres - with a particular focus on bringing together existing middle-class audiences with young people from the margins of the society. Under professional guidance, young people of all social classes, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and abilities share Theatrical experiences. There is no existing training provision on how to conduct Theatre Mediation in most of our countries. In those countries where it does take place, there is no specific expertise on how to address hard-to-reach groups. Therefore, the key focus of ConnectUp is on the professionalisation of these skills - offering an E-Learning programme for artists and teachers as part of our Audience Development strategy. The University of Agder is developing this curriculum in collaboration with Derby University. In addition to running a full week of workshops for European Theatre professionals, we’re also able to offer Non-European Theatres the possibility to engage in this training through several hubs. Additionally, our E-Learning programme will be accessible anywhere in the world. In this session, we will present an overview of the Theatre Mediation E-Learning Programme, including listing out the opportunities for others to participate in the scheme.

Production Credits

Presenters: Dirk Neldner (Artistic Director), Merete Elnan (University of Agder, Norway), Gunnar Horn (University of Agder, Norway) ConnectUp is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.


ConnectUp - Trailer (trailer)

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