A Puppet Karaoke by the Massalia Web Trotters
Théâtre Massalia
Come and laugh, come and sing at the MWT KARAOKE!

ForesTEEN CNR workshop
ForesTEEN (SEGNI d'Infanzia)
a worshop to reflect on TYA with teens and professionals

Opening Ceremony
Scènes d'enfance - ASSITEJ France
Welcome to Bright Generations & the 60th Anniversary of ASSITEJ!

Networking Session
Special Session for ASSITEJ National Centres & Professional Networks
ASSITEJ International
Session only for ASSITEJ National Centres/Networks

10 Objects + Star Show
Les Becs Verseurs + cie Bakélite
Two short but great productions of Object Theatre

Inclusive theatre
Girls & Silk for everyBody
Les Bas-Bleus
A show universally accessible that breaks stereotypes with whimsy and opens unexpected paths to the tales from our childhood.

Harold: The Game
Bob Théâtre / Vélo Théâtre
A very free interpretation of The Bayeux Tapestry, exploring the relations between France & England since 1066 through a TV Show & a rugby match

Keep It Safe
React Public Performances
People gathering at the starting point, excitement building up. Everyone is here to have fun, everyone committed to a unique experience. No one is alone, you meet yourfriends or find new faces in the crowd, ready to try or see something new. It’s a moving performance!

Little Red Riding Hood
Compagnie Sylvain Huc
A duo of dancers performs this tale known to all with visceral energy & in a non-manichean manner

Louise/os ursos (Louise/the bears)
Pandorga Companhia de Teatro
The story of an 11 year old girl & her white transparent bear friend, a story of imagination and transformation

O Grande Lago (The Great Lake)
Imaginar Do Gigante
Art & environnment melt on an iceberg where the polar bears have to leave

Puissant·es (Powerful)
Compagnie 3637
The cry of revolt of three teenagers who cross the city in the dark of night & discover the intoxicating joy of resisting together

Early Years
Scoooootch !
Les Nouveaux Ballets du Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Unroll, Glue, Cut, Stick... In the hands of three rockers, scotch tape is the raw material for a playful, graphic performance

The Fabulous Story of BasarKus
Fratellini Academy & Compagnie Lamento
An ode to self-discovery in a hybrid show between juggling & acrobatics

Musical Theatre
The Girl Who Sings & The Girl On The Roof
Cie Les racines- Fekeng
Between theatre & music, the spark of the meeting of cultures, languages, continents provokes a fabulous desire to live

The Way Back
The Double Theatre
A story of self-discovery & healing through music in the midst of war

Advocating Equal Access to Performing Arts in Schools
ASSITEJ Sweden / ASSITEJ South Africa
Bringing the Stage to Every Child

Networking Session
Artistic Encounter #2
ASSITEJ Executive Committee
Shaping the future of our field

Networking Session
Artistic Encounter #3
ASSITEJ Executive Committee
Shaping the future of our field

Behind the Desks of Creative Europe : Unlocking Opportunities
Creative Europe Desks of Denmark and France
How can cultural operators and Creative Europe Desks develop relationships in an European context?

Children and Youth on a Professional Stage
co-creation of professional productions with children and youngsters as performers

Concepts in Artistic Experience: Interstices of Friendship as a Methodology
Núcleo Quanta - Wilson Julião and Suzana Schmidt
Share the Investigation of our Scenic Work for and with Children

Contributions of the ASSITEJ Congress to TYA in Cuba
Charla Sobre Los Aportes Del Congreso A Teatro Para Niños En Cuba

Creation for Young Audiences : Structuring the future on a national and international scale
Scènes d'enfance - ASSITEJ France
An opportunity to map out the future of creation for young audiences and strengthen the links between French and international initiatives.

Creative Introspection For Arts Professionals
Toby Thompson, Kate Cross, Sam Hamp, The Egg
What Can Le Petit Prince Teach Us About Our Work? A Meditative Workshop

Cultural Rights and Young Audiences
Hauts-de-France Young Audience Collective
An interactive and playful workshop to rethink arts education

Cultural Translation Of Plays
Write Local Play Global
Creating a New Version of a Play by Translating Both Words and Culture

Does cultural policy support theatre for early years?
Small Size Network
Round Table On Good International Practices

Social Events
Festive Meeting of Regional Young Audience Networks in France
Regional Young Audience Networks in France
Come meet us over a drink!

Good Morning Ideas
Young Dance Network
Start the day right or from yawn to YDN - Good Morning Ideas Unfold

How to Welcome the Young Spectator?
Le Crea Festival Momix
Overview and experience sharing

Il Était une Fois - Once upon a Time
Plato - TYA Network of Region Pays De La Loire
Imaginations in Action for Tomorrow

In All the Body!
The Sound Manifestation of Children as a Living Dialogue for the Scene

Inclusion and Resilience Through Performing Arts
Educational Theatre in Nepal / Atta Festival
Visual Storytelling / Interactive Roundtable: Inclusivity And Diversity Insights From Turkey

Networking Session
Inter Regional Networking
Performing Arts For Children And Young People Ibero American Network / African Children And Youth Theatre Arena Acyta / ASSITEJ Asian Network / Nordic Baltic Network / Small Countries Network
Looking for a Future Cooperation Among ASSITEJ Regional Networks

International Inclusive Arts Network- "Catch The Wave!"
International Inclusive Arts Network for the performing arts for Children and Young People
Sharing ideas on Inclusive Practice, especially when programming festivals

Networking Session
International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network (ITYARN)
International Theatre For Young Audiences Research Network (ITYARN)
Dissemination Project

Involving Children and Youth #1: in Life and Governance of Cultural Venues
Scènes d'enfance - ASSITEJ France
Interroger les impacts de l'implication des jeunes générations dans les structures culturelles

Involving children and young people #2: in artistic creation
Scènes d'enfance - ASSITEJ France
Questioning artists about children participation in their creative process

Marseille: A Sense Of Place
Write Local Play Global (WLPG)
Join Us In Creating A Communal Story In Pictures And Words

Memory as a Tool for Intergenerational Dialogue and Creation
Fundación Escénica Avanti
A Workshop to Share and Exchange Experiences that Inspire Us

Models of Audience Engagement: Global, Advocacy-Focused Research
ASSITEJ International & The Royal Central School of Speech & Drama
A Discussion About Effective Initiatives & Policies For Encouraging Young People's Engagement

Networking Session
Networking Puppetry in Education for Children
Unima International / IDEA / ASSITEJ
A Networking Session Exploring Puppetry in Children's Drama Education

Performance as Research
International Theatre For Young Audiences Research Network (ITYARN)
A Design Thinking Workshop on Collaboration Between Artists and Scholars

Performing Arts for Young Audiences and the Anthropocene
Julia Dina Heße
A Talk on How Artists and Young People Envision Future on Stage

Place of Intercultural Dialogue in the Creation Process
Florence Lavaud Company
Towards a Theater of Encounter aimed at young audiences

Playful Pathways: Embracing Your Inner Child
Jolyane Langlois
Joyful Games And Laughter For Professionals Working With And For Children

Producing Performing Arts for Young Audiences : Overviews and Perspectives
LAPAS / PAMPA Producers / PADA
Inspiring Practices of TYA Producers From Europe and Beyond

Quantifying Our Audiences: Global, Advocacy-Focused Research
ASSITEJ International, Kai Roland Green, Lanora Callahan
Exploring Our Audiences In Numbers

Roots and relationships : a generative dialogue between forest and cultural ecosystem
Teen Engagement And Transgenerational Dialogue As Methodology

Sardine, savon, voyage ! - reading of new international French speaking short plays & talk
Write Local, Play Global
Come and listen to powerful and poetic worldwide voices, to celebrate the cultural & artistic diversity of today's and tomorrow's French-speaking TYA!

Networking Session
Slavic Countries Network Initiative Meeting- Talk About Bright Future
Slavic Countries Network
Open Meeting Of Representatives from Slavic Countries

Teen Kitchen Table Aftertalk
ForesTEEN Partnership
A Convivial Event Where You Can Hear What Foresteen Teenagers Think

The Babel Ethico’test
Scènes d'enfance - ASSITEJ France
Let’s talk about accessibility, baby !

The Sense of Humor
ATINA Argentina/ Arde la Nona Company
The Creation Of Black Humor In Performing And Playwriting For Tya

Tya And Social Change
Arojah Royal Theatre
A Global Perspective on the Intersection of Tya and Social Change

Value of TYA: Global, Advocacy-Focused Research
ASSITEJ International & CREATE Centre - The University of Sydney
Unpacking The Value Of Theatre For Young People

Walk & Talk with the Nordic-Baltic ASSITEJ Network
Nordic Baltic ASSITEJ Network
Walks and Talks about Interesting Themes on The Streets of Marseille

Where I Started, Where I Ended Up
Next Generation Network
A Visual And Audio Installation Based On NEXT GENERATION Stories

World Cafe Session "Cooperation For Young Audience Music"
Ramdam - Music for Young Audiences National Network
Building cooperation for young audience music

Write Here, Read Elsewhere
Le Ciel - European Stage for Young Audiences
Translation and dissemination of theater scripts for kids and young audiences

Networking Session
Young Dance Network General Meeting
Young Dance Network
YDN Members come together

Social Events
Africa's Dawn of a New Era
Thembile Tshuma, Om Oba Jerry Adesewo, Yuck Miranda, John Namai, Sandra Nadege
Redefining the Sense of Ubuntu

Social Events
Asia And Oceania Reception
Paypa New Zealand, Assitej Pakistan, Assitej South Korea
Building Connections within Asia and Beyond to the World

Social Events
Come and play KIKOIKOM !
Scènes d'enfance - ASSITEJ France and partners of L'Enfance des Arts
Discover the ‘Kikoikom’, a game where you can get together to imagine a cultural event... and come up with some unexpected ideas !

Social Events
Connect Africa!
African Children And Youth Theatre Arena
Dreaming New Projects Together for Africa and Beyond

Social Events
DJ set - A French Night in Marseille!
Scènes d'enfance - ASSITEJ France
To set the dancefloor and the night on fire!

Social Events
Generations in Dialogue: Networking Banquette for the Future of PAYA
ASSITEJ Austria, ASSITEJ Germany, ASSITEJ Luxembourg, ASSITEJ Liechtenstein, ASSITEJ Switzerland
A Banquette and Dialogue to Shape the Future of PAYA

Social Events
Italian Connections: From Puglia To Mars-Eille!
Assitej Italy - Puglia Culture Consortium
A Networking Aperitivo With Apulian Flavors

Social Events
Meet the New International Inclusive Arts Network!
International Inclusive Arts Network (IIAN)
IIAN is changing! Come and find out about our new plans and ideas, and how to become a member!

Social Events
Small Is More - Presentation
Assitej Belgium
Meeting with the TYA Artists from Belgium

Social Events
Small Countries Network
Where Big Future Ideas Grow From Small Conversations

Social Events
The Nordic-Baltic Pop Up Tent
Nordic Baltic ASSITEJ Network
Drinks Foods And Good Time With The Nordic Baltic ASSITEJ Network

Social Events
The Portuguese-Speaking Countries Network
Assitej Brasil
Our International Portuguese Speaking Community Gets Together