Theatre & Appreciation Of A Community's Local Culture

Teatro da Pedra is a group based in São João del-Rei - MG that continues to delve into research, creation, and production of theatre shows, as well as developing an educational project that serves hundreds of children, young people, and adults in the region. In the educational sphere, the company offers theatre workshops in its city and the wider region, promoting access to art and strengthening the appreciation of cultural identity. As part of the workshops, educators try to get their students to research their own histories, as well as the histories of the places where they are.


With more than 20 years' experience in artistic and pedagogical activities aimed at communities, Teatro da Pedra will present its working methods for dialogue with local residents, reflections on the possibilities of connecting with the surroundings and the results we have experienced through years of work in this field. All of these factors demonstrate the power of encounters and exchanges between theatre and the community.

Production Credits

Juliano PEREIRA, Art Educator
Elis FERREIRA, Art Educator
Fernanda NASCIMENTO, Art Educator

About the Artists

Juliano has a Master's Degree in Education from UFSJ, a Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts from USP, and is the Artistic Director of Teatro da Pedra.


Elis Ferreira is an actress, arts educator, writer, and Co-founder of Teatro da Pedra. She has a degree in Literature and a Master's in Theatre from UFSJ.


Fernanda Nascimento is an actress, arts educator and poet. She has a degree in Literature, Theatre and Popular Singing. She is the Co-founder and Manager of Teatro da Pedra.

    • Other
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  • Not Applicable
Event Format
All Contributors ‘On the Ground’