A Bucket of Beetles
Wehea is a little boy who lives in a big rainforest. Just like all the other people who live there, Wehea has a special connection with nature. Even the smallest beings in the forest are his friends. One day, Wehea sees a very special rhinoceros beetle and embarks on an adventure to meet the beetle who ultimately saves Wehea’s life. “A Bucket of Beetles” is more than just a story of a beautiful friendship. It is a story about the connection between humans and nature. A story that leaves us questioning - are we doing enough to take care of our water, soil, and air? This play is based on a story originally told by a 5-year old boy. All designs of the animal puppets used in the play are based on his drawings.

Production Credits

Producer: Papermoon Puppet Theatre Story by: Lunang Pramusesa Artistic Directors: Maria Tri Sulistyani & Iwan Effendi Puppet Engineer: Anton Fajri Puppet Designer: Anton Fajri, Iwan Effendi, Lunang Pramusesa Puppet and Set Builder: Anton Fajri, Pambo Priyojati, Beni Sanjaya, Rusli Hidayat, Maria Tri Sulistyani Puppeteer : Anton Fajri, Pambo Priyojati, Beni Sanjaya Music Composer: Yennu Ariendra Costumes: Retno Intiani Videographer: Gabra Mikael, Rangga Yudhistira, Video Editor: Gabra Mikael Video Coloring: Rangga Yudhistira Graphic Designer: Gamaliel W. Budiharga

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