Foyer Networking 3
"***THIS EVENT WILL NOT BE RECORDED AND IS THEREFORE ONLY AVAILABLE TO DELEGATES ATTENDING LIVE*** These Foyer Networking sessions are being held for friends and members of ASSITEJ. These sessions will be run as a ZOOM Meeting in which participants can come and chat more informally with each other instead of listening to a formal presentation. National Centres and other invited organisations have been invited to book one of these Foyer Networking sessions in which they can host their own 'sub-event' in a Breakout Room on ZOOM. This may be for their own members to meet each other, to advertise their upcoming events to the wider community, or to arrange a group of interested colleagues to come together and discuss a chosen theme. You can choose to use this breakout room as you see fit. PLEASE NOTE NATIONAL CENTRES MUST HAVE BOOKED BREAKOUT ROOMS IN ADVANCE. Upon entering the main ZOOM room, you will be greeted by an ASSITEJ host. You are welcome to stay in the main Foyer and chat with other participants. If you or your participants are participating in a sub-event, you will then be invited to join your pre-arranged Breakout Room. Breakout rooms will include: 1. Kerryn Palmer, New Zealand - Korero ki te kiwi - Strengthening Your National Centre Over the past few years TYA practitioners in Aotearoa/ New Zealand have been navigating ways to reinvigorate, rebrand and strengthen their national ASSITEJ centre. Join us for an informal korero (talk) session, where we share some of the strategies we have used, and hear from other centres about their own mahi (work) in this area. Nā to rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi (With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive.) 2. Papermoon Puppet Theatre, Indonesia - KACACAKA : The Mirror Mirror is my best friend, because when I cry it never laughs ( Charlie Chaplin ) --- “KACA CAKA : The Mirror” is a play about the world of imagination that exists in the brain of a 5- years old boy named Caka, every time he saw mirrors. Any mirror. Seeing a mirror, made him believe that he could be anything. A karate kid, a ghost, a bird, a robot, or even a walrus. Everything seems fine, until he saw a big glass window of an old house. Seeing his big projection in the glass window, made his imagination growing bigger and bigger. He started to make funny and interesting things only for himself. Until one day, he found that the glass window, is not a usual mirror that he knew. 3. Steve Banhegyi - African Dilemma Tales for change How to use African Dilemma stories for change in individuals and organisations. 4. Assitej Cyprus - One year of existence The session will give the participants the opportunity to learn more about Assitej Cyprus and all the activities it has organised during this first year of its existence. It will also be an opportunity for professionals to learn more about the Cyprus performing arts sector and especially about the development of TYA on the island.

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