World Without Eyes - For Blind and Partially Sighted Children Aged 1-6 years - In Person Only - Performance 2
An interactive dance performance-research “World without Eyes” is dedicated to children with visual impairments. Being visually perceived art form, dance in this project is presented for children audience through touching and sensing instead of hearing sounds or verbal instructions and explanations. We find this crucial moment in our methodology as usually visual impairment comes with other developmental disorders which detain children to understand spoken language. We also follow the idea that dance being a non-verbal art form needs to be perceived without words. The idea of performance is based on presenting dance through aesthetically structured movement patterns expressing dance elements (space, time, energy) and through sensing various surfaces of scenery and costumes. Two dancers with specially designed costumes that allow maintaining distance between dancer and child which is needed to ensure the safety according to pandemic requirements. Children audience is welcome to join the research action and stay in the process as long as they are interested. This presentation is happening with the support of Perform Europe as part of the IIAN Making Waves project. For in-person participants, see you at: Danmarksgades Skole Urban, 'Pige Gym' on the 1st Floor. - Internationalt gæstespil fra Litauen Danmarksgades Skole Urban, Pigegym (Danmarksgade 53) Dansema Dance Theater opfører deres forestilling ‘World Without Eyes’, som især henvender sig til børn med synsnedsættelser og -variationer. I denne interaktive forestilling bliver detaljer til helheder og kontraster til bevægelse. Sprog: Nonverbalt. Aldersgruppe: 0+

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