Films: A Little Space & Strings
We at Catch the Wave are proud to present four very different films of inclusive work. First, 'A Little Space' produced by Mind the Gap (England). "A little space where we can escape the world and be ourselves. Where we can say whatever we want, do whatever we feel and where no one will ever bother us. A place where whispers come to life and one kind gesture could change everything." Second, Polka Theatre's production 'RED' (England) is a thrilling mix of visual and physical storytelling, seamlessly integrating Sign Language into the performance. The creative team is made up of Deaf, Disabled and non-Disabled creatives. Third, 'Creating inclusive Theatre within a community.' This film shows SAVVY Theatre (England) at work. All members of the local community are welcome to share and take part. No-one is left out. And lastly 'Strings' by Barrowland Ballet (Scotland) "'Strings' brings together young people with complex needs such as autism with dance artists from Barrowland Ballet discovering the rich possibilities for connection through dance". All four films will be available online for the whole week, and will be screened at the festival. For in-person participants, see you at: Tobakken, Gasværksgade 2, 6700 Esbjerg, in 'Foredragsalen' 1st Floor.

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