Meet the Czech ASSITEJ Centre & Get Involved!

The Czech ASSITEJ Centre invites you to a meeting where we’ll introduce our current activities, offer tips on interesting productions for children and young people and, above all, share opportunities to get involved in international collaboration.


As a founding member of ASSITEJ International, the Czech Centre has been active in the field of theatre for children and young people since the 1960s. While the primary mission has remained the same, the specific activities of the Czech ASSITEJ Centre have changed with the passage of time.


The Centre organises showcases of theatre for children and young people, including, since 2022, a 'Visitor’s Programme'. This is also where the concept of patronage for theatre festivals taking place in different locations across the Czech Republic developed. Patronage supports the organisation of workshops and discussions between Czech and international artists as part of specific festivals focusing on theatre for children and young people.


Meet the Czech ASSITEJ Centre and get involved! Discover the work of Czech artists, share experiences and thoughts and establish new collaborations.


The Czech ASSITEJ Centre is managed by PerformCzech, based at the Arts and Theatre Institute in Prague.

    • Professional Content
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Event Format
All Contributors ‘On the Ground’