The Value of TYA: A Practical Research Workshop

A practical research research workshop that invites delegates to practically explore and contribute to ongoing research being conducted by Kelly Freebody & Michael Anderson from The University of Sydney (Australia) on behalf of ASSITEJ International. The research will be advocacy-focused and beneficial to ASSITEJ members, ASSITEJ National Centres, Professional Networks, TYA practitioners, and the wider TYA community. The research outputs will be published on an open-access basis. The research is intended to be of reference for practitioners in their day-to-day working lives to, for example, boost advocacy initiatives and funding applications, offer learning opportunities, and foster networking and collaboration. Specifcially, the researchers are working to collate evidence on the value of TYA that curates and synthesises the existing research from across the field. The primary focus is on knowledge synthesis - collecting, curating, and signposting to pre-existing published literature, as well as grey (unpublished) literature, that qualifies and quantifies claims on the value of theatre and performing arts for children.

Créditos de producción

Kelly FREEBODY - Lead Researcher (Value of TYA Project), Workshop Leader

Michael ANDERSON - Lead Researcher (Value of TYA Project)

Selina BUSBY - Lead Researcher (Dissemination / Engagement Case Studies), Workshop Leader

Sobre los artistas

Dr Kelly Freebody is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at The University of Sydney. Her research focuses on drama, young people, education, and social justice. Her work considers the history of ideas in the fields of drama education and theatre. Kelly co-edited the recent Routledge Companion to Theatre and Young People (2022). This 37-chapter volume canvassed youth theatre practice and research from 19 countries around the world, including contributions from young people. Kelly has been an investigator on several research projects exploring drama and theatre with young people and published extensively in the area.

Dr Michael Anderson is a Professor of Creativity and Arts Education at the Sydney School of Education and Social Work at The University of Sydney and is also Co-Director of the CREATE Centre. He is an internationally recognised educational leader in how young people engage with the arts and creativity. He has taught, researched, and published in this area for over 20 years, including 20 books and 60 book chapters and journal articles.

Dr Selina Busby is an academic and theatre practitioner who makes performances with community groups as well as being a National Teaching Fellow. She is a Professor of applied and social theatre at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, where she is also the Course Leader for the MA Applied Theatre course and the lead for Research Ethics and Integrity. Her research and practice focuses on theatre that invites the possibility of change. She uses participatory and emancipatory research methods and has worked internationally in prison settings, youth theatres, and with people living in adverse conditions. Her research investigates applied theatre with marginalised communities undertaking partnerships with theatres, NGOs, youth groups, and grassroots practitioners.

Información publicitaria

    European Youth Capital Novi Sad OPENS: Big Hall A
    Bulevar Despota Stefana 5, Novi Sad, Serbia
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    Wheelchair ramps are available throughout.
    We recommend using the main doors at the front of the building. There are wheelchair ramps.
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