Have A Say - A Card Game About Participation
Kris Gruen, Friederike Dunger, Wiebke Hagemeier

How can we design participatory projects together? What resources do we need? Who should be involved? How do we start conversations about the structures we want to change during the planning of the project?


In the workshop, participants will get to know the card game “Have a say”. This is a tool that facilitates conversations between children/youths and adults about participation and excluding/adultistic structures in institutions. Together, existing structures can be looked at and possibilities for participatory processes can be found and developed.


Within the workshop you can design a concrete participation concept for your institution/group and/or discuss basic topics like adultism, power-critical work, hierarchy reduction, etc. We are looking forward to new perspectives from different contexts and would like to adapt and extend the game together with all participants of the workshop.

Production Credits

Friederike DUNGER, Theatremaker
Kristin GRUEN, Theatremaker
Wiebke HAGEMEIER, Theatremaker
Laura Mirjam WALTER, Theatremaker
Thilo GRAWE, Dramaturg
Lena SCHAEFFERLING, Illustration
Kinder-und Jugendtheatrezentrum in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
tjg. Theatre Junge Generation Dresden

About the Artists

Kris Gruen is a freelance theatre maker living in Berlin. Together with children, she investigates the facts and phenomena they encounter in everyday life. She and her young collaborators tackle complex questions such as: What is art? How does communication work? Who decides what? How do we become famous? She works with various theatres and cultural institutions, such as the GRIPS THEATER and Augenblick Mal! - Festival of Theatre for Young Audiences. With FUNDUS THEATER Hamburg, she is working on the performance play ‘Playing Up - Performance Art for Children and Adults’ and ‘Playing Up Gender’. As part of Kris’s scholarship from the Brandenburg Gate Foundation in the program ‘Max - Artists in Residence at Elementary Schools’, she researched how joint artistic projects between students and artists can be designed. Kris is a trained communication assistant in German Sign Language and has already participated in several theatre projects for and with deaf and hearing children.

Friederike Dunger is a freelance theatre educator and performer based in Berlin. She works with many organizations, cultural institutions, schools and daycare centers, including FUNDUS Theatre Hamburg for 'Playing up,' a live art game for children and adults; and the program ‘TUKI Theatre und Kita’ in Berlin. Friederike accompanied the KinderTheatreBeirat at GRIPS Theatre Berlin for 4 years, during which children gave advice to employees of GRIPS Theatre from their perspective. Together with W. Hagemeier and L.M. Walter she reflected her experiences in working with children's advisory boards in theatre. Their reflections were published in a book called 'Kinder beraten Erwachsene, Handbuch für Kinderbeiräte an Kulturinstitutionen'. She is interested in finding artistic strategies that enable children and adults, and artists and educators, to engage in joint research and creative processes. Since 2022, she has worked for a program called 'Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen Berlin', which supports schools in embedding more cultural education in their curriculum.


Wiebke Hagemeier is a theatre maker working in political education and cultural management. Her work explores forms of social gatherings and attempts to make politics sensually perceptible. As part of the theatre company suite42, she has worked with contemporary Arab authors in Berlin, Palestine and at various theatre festivals. Between 2015 and 2022 she was based at GRIPS Theatre in Berlin and worked as a theatre educator with teachers and young audiences. Her interactive theatrical game ‘Harte Arbeit’ won several pedagogical awards. She co-developed a children's theatre parliament and the KinderTheatreBeirat (a children's advisory board). Wiebke, with F. Dunger and L.M. Walter, reflected her this work in a handbook for children's advisory boards in cultural institutions. Since 2023, she has worked as an educational consultant in Bielefeld, and focuses on Education for Sustainable Development and Gamification.

    • Aimed Towards Children
    • Aimed Towards Adults
Primary Language
English & German
Accessibility Information
  • Not Applicable
Event Format
All Contributors ‘On the Ground’