PICCOLI is a poetic reflection on the complex, fragile, and unique act of growing up, a precious and irreplaceable time that is composed of expectations, cares, desires, and failures.  PICCOLI is a circular journey that we go on together. It’s a poetic ritual about finding the road to home. Together, we need to bring the firewood, with strength and delicacy, to light the fire. And from the fire, we gain life. We will heat our hands and we will rest there, before the snow arrives, before departing. We will wait for the wind, blowing the snow between the small leaves of the cherry tree, before building our house. We will wait for the moon so as to play with the wolves. We will play until we get tired. And we will be happy, as when we go to sleep we know there will be sun the following day.

Créditos de producción

Manuela Capece and Davide Doro

Sobre los artistas

PICCOLI is the result of a new project developed during a residency period at Espace600 in Grenoble. It was devised with children, parents, and teachers.

Información publicitaria

Idioma Principal
Información de accesibilidad
Formato del evento