B A T U (Playing and Creating Together from a Rectangle)
In recent times, the rectangular windows of our digital devices is ever-present. Let’s play with this rectangular screen and create new possibilities of play! I draw here and you draw there! All together! A lonely rectangle joins another and, little by little, we create ways, compositions, possibilities, spaces, and drawings! Each one of us invents and creates our own way because we are all unique artists! Paint, cut, join, unite, compose, create, and PLAY! B A T U is a project that has run in multiple contexts and, starting from the digital screen, it aims to draw us back into the physical world of play. It proposes that we begin to play and create from a rectangle - using the digital and virtual rectangle alongside hand-drawn rectangles painted on paper. ‘Join’, ‘add’, ‘unite’, ‘group’, ‘assemble’, ‘collect’ and also ‘meet’ are some of the meanings of the verb BATU in Euskera, the language of the Basques.

Créditos de producción

Concept, Creation, and Performance: Ieltxu Ortueta

Información publicitaria

Idioma Principal
English & Portuguese
Información de accesibilidad
Formato del evento