Branding: Making Use of Fine Differences in Multicultural Settings
A session that explores how you can transform prejudice into branding and how you can use bias as a unique selling point on stage to create senses of community. Based upon our work in international and intercultural contexts, based out of our home in Bern (Switzerland), this session will explore our increasingly intertwined world and how the small and big difference materialise in our daily and professional lives as TYA professionals. By searching for, and exploring, the similarities and commonalities between people we believe we are creating cooperative understanding. Diversity and interculturalism onstage and in the auditorium are part of the daily business of TYA. Through questions, games and various examples from our practical work, we will examine how we reach a common ground. Exploring how we ask the correct questions to lead us towards a more equal society through our work, this session is particularly relevant to the international nature of the ASSITEJ World Congress. We will play upon our backgrounds, our places of belonging, our work, our ideas, and our talents. This cultural game will be combined with insight into examples of transcultural projects taking place locally and internationally.

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