Set Design in Theatre for Early Years
In this panel, we would like to focus on the significant role of aesthetics in Early Years Theatre. Four artists representing different cultural contexts will share their perspectives on set design, its role in performances for the smallest children and, most importantly, its impact on audiences. During the conversation, various aspects and perspectives about creating set design aimed at very young children will be discussed. We will talk about the specifics of this field and the motivations and aesthetic choices of individual artists. The youngest children explore the world, including the world of art, through all their senses which is why this topic is so interesting, pertinent, and important. Moderator: Cliodhna Noonan (Acting Up! Arts, Ireland) Panellists: Barbara Małecka (Art Fraction Foundation, Poland), Adrián Hernández and José Agüero (Teatro Al Vacío Compañía, México-Argentina), Omar Meza (DA.TE Danza - Danza Contemporánea), Yutaka Takei (Forest Beats, Japan-France)

Créditos de producción

Moderator: Cliodhna Noonan (Acting Up! Arts, Ireland) Panellists: Barbara Małecka (Art Fraction Foundation, Poland), Adrián Hernández and José Agüero (Teatro Al Vacío Compañía, México-Argentina), Omar Meza (DA.TE Danza - Danza Contemporánea), Yutaka Takei (Forest Beats, Japan-France)

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