Petit Plateau - Friche la Belle de Mai
41, Jobin street
Friche la Belle de Mai
We have a car park accessible via the entrance at 12 rue François Simon 13003 Marseille
Please note: depending on the activity of the site, La Friche reserves the right to restrict or completely prohibit parking. Before your visit, do not hesitate to contact us on +33 (0)4 95 04 95 95.
OPENING HOURS Open every day from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
PRICES Free for 1.5 hours. Beyond that: • Visitor rate – €0.40 for 1/4 hour | €1.60/HOUR
Accessibility Info:
All locations at La Friche are accessible to people with disabilities, in wheel chair in particular. Our reception teams are at your disposal to best answer your questions regarding your reception and movement in our spaces.
Technical Information Link:
24 March Monday
25 March Tuesday
26 March Wednesday
28 March Friday
29 March Saturday