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Many cultural venues are now choosing to give young people a different place and a different role in their theatre. Numerous projects are flourishing that enable children and young people to play an active part in the cultural life of their area. What impact does this type of experience have? What does their participation change in our cultural structures? How does involving children and young people at the heart of our cultural venues and in our deliberative processes transform our professional practices ?
Based on the testimonies of professionals and young people associated in different ways in the life and governance of the venues, their narratives highlighting the shared spaces (such as programming) and the involvement of young people in the development and implementation of projects that concern them, we will look at the repercussions this has on young people and the changes in professional attitudes brought about by these experiences, questioning the way we operate.
About the Artists
Co-conceived and moderated by: Camille Monmège-Geneste / Director of the Labo des Cultures and founder of the national network of youth cultural committees (France)
With :
Fiona Louis, director of TheaterGrueneSosse and head of the ‘JourNutz’ project and Lars Löffler, young participant in the project
Marie-Hélène Felix, Head of Relations with Young Audiences at the Théâtre de la Renaissance, Elodie Ortu-Grumelart, artist, Salomé Lacondemine and Judicaël Crepiat, members the Young Programmers' Committee.
- Christelle Blouët, coordinator of the network Culture 21
- The students Ilona Mendes, Salomé Greve, Nanou Goguel-Gross, Lilou Mathis, Lola Dupuis, Carla Reverberi, Amandine Jouvenaux (University Bordeaux Montaigne / Sciences Po Bordeaux)
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