November 2023 Coffee Session: Being an LGBTQ+ Artist in TYA
ASSITEJ International
Coffee Session

While many consider LGBTQ+ work in TYA taboo, is merely being queer in TYA taboo? Do artists feel like they can be themselves? Are supportive systems in place? Hear from TYA artists about being LGBTQ+ in the field and participate in an open conversation.

About the Artists

Session Speaker: Marietheres Jesse  (they/them)

They are a freelance theatre maker, performer and theatre educator (Berlin). In 2015 they co-founded the queer-feminist group “CHICKS* freies performancekollektiv”, in which they develop performative theatre projects with artists and experts, feminist theatre workshops and concepts of performative sexual education as part of the artistic direction. 

Right now, they are working on a project about Mastectomies and the process of letting go of the breast. The last piece has been the performative vampire musical LESBIAN VAMPIRE FANTASY (premiere: LOFFT – DAS THEATER Leipzig), which sings about intergenerational queer history(s) and presences. Previously, they explored couple dance in times of patriarchy in the interactive theatre format DEEP DANCING (Sophiensaele Berlin, Imagetanz Festival am brut Vienna, Freischwimmen meets Rodeo Festival Munich).

CHICKS* became victims of a right-wing, queerphobic hate campaign recently and have since then spoken on several platforms about what happened and what it takes for them to handle the hate from the extreme right in this situation.

Marietheres Jesse studied “Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Practice” at the University of Hildesheim with a major in Theatre and is a trained trainer for “Social Justice and Diversity” (FU Potsdam). 

Session Speaker: Cleiton Echeveste  

Actor, playwright, director and researcher with 34 years of experience. He is studying for a master’s degree at PPGAC/UNIRIO and has a degree in performing arts from UFRGS, where he also studied literature. His present research investigates gender and sexuality dissidence in Theatre for Children and Youth, based on work developed over almost two decades with Pandorga Cia de Teatro. He is one of the founders of Pandorga, in which he participates in all its creative processes.

His plays have won awards and been translated into Spanish and published in Brazil, Peru and Argentina. He is a member of the Brazilian Center of the International Association of Theatre and Performing Arts for Children and Young People (CBTIJ/ASSITEJ Brazil), where he is President of the Board of Directors. He is part of the steering board of Write Local. Play Global. (WLPG) playwrights’ network and collaborates with the ASSITEJ Ibero American Network.

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