Catch The Wave: Conversations On Inclusivity
International Inclusive Arts Network (IIAN)

This event is adjacent to 'Installation: Twisted Tales' happening at the same time and will offer a chance for visitors to ask questions about Inclusive Theatre & Performing Arts for Young Audiences. Everyone welcome.

In this space, you will have the opportunity to engage in one-on-one or small-group conversations with representatives of the International Inclusive Arts Network (IIAN). Comprised of professionals from all around the world who work with and for inclusive audiences in theatre and performing arts for children and young people (TYA), the IIAN representatives will speak about what inclusivity really means from two different points of view - that of the audience and that of the artist. With regard to our audiences, we will raise and discuss questions about the rights of children with disabilities and/or who are neurodiverse to access and participate in culture, and how their needs are best served. We will also discuss how best to encourage, educate, and mentor artists to engage with this specialist approach. This will include exploring the subject of inclusion within different countries and cultures to discover what we can learn from each other, what our common concerns are, and how we can share ideas to help solve problems and to help raise artistic standards.

Production Credits

Aamir NAWAZ (Pakistan), Speaker

Ginni MANNING (United Kingdom), Speaker

Hakan SILAHSIZOĞLU (Turkey), Speaker

Jerry ADESWEO (Nigera), Speaker

Stasha DUKIC (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Translator

Stavros STAVROU (Cyprus), Speaker

Vicky IRELAND (United Kingdom), Speaker

About the Artists

Aamir Nawaz (Pakistan) is an Artistic Director and Arts Manager who has worked as a Theatre Director, Lighting Designer, and Theatre Educator. He founded Maas Foundation, a non-profit theatrical organisation that uses theatre to promote positive social values through innovative theatrical concepts and opportunities for adults and children, especially teenagers. Aamir also serves as the General Secretary of ASSITEJ Pakistan and is Chair of the steering group of the ASSITEJ Next Generation Network. He is working for the development of inclusiveness in society and is the IIAN Champion for Pakistan. Aamir is a board member of IIAN.

Ginni Manning (United Kingdom) is a playwright, writer, theatre maker and creative facilitator from Liverpool. She was a participant in the Liverpool 'Everyman Playwright Development' Programme. Her work has since been performed at national and international venues. She is in the leadership team of Write Local. Play Global. (WLPG), another international professional network of ASSITEJ International. She coordinated events between the networks at the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2022 (Sweden); she performed at the ASSITEJ Cradle of Creativity in 2017 and at the ASSITEJ Mirai Festival in 2021. She co-wrote Dipalo, the ASSITEJ award-winning play, with Lalu Mokuku. Ginni is a board member of IIAN.

Hakan Silahsizoğlu (Turkey) trained as an actor at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in England. He worked at Talimhane Theatre as an actor as well as a producer and coordinator in national and international projects. He is on the board of Theatre Cooperative as well as ASSITEJ Turkey. He is the founder and director of Atta Festival, Turkey's only international arts festival for babies and children. Hakan also runs the children's theatre department at Watermans Arts Centre, one of London's leading cultural venues.

Jerry Adesewo (Nigera) is a writer, theatre producer/director, and cultural administrator. He is the founder and Artistic Director of Arojah Royal Theatre, Abuja. As a cultural journalist, he has written for many publications nationally and internationally. He is currently the Arts and Culture Editor of The Enlightener Magazine publishing in the Nigerian Federal Capital. He is currently the National Director of Media and Publicity, National Association of Nigerian Theatre Arts Practitioners (NANTAP); North Central Coordinator, ASSITEJ Nigeria; Nigerian Champion/Coordinator, International Inclusive Arts Network (IIAN); Member, Arterial Network Nigeria; Member, International Association of Theatre Critics; Nigeria/West African Coordinator of the UK based INDRA Congress (now The INDRA Collectives) and the Founder/President, Arojah Arts Trust.

Stasha Dukic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is an actress working in the UK, who will be attending the festival and has offered her services to IIAN as a facilitator and translator.

Stavros Stavrou (Cyprus) holds a BA degree in Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies from King's College London, MA degree in Cultural and Creative Industries from the same university. He works as a professional lyrics-writer for Greece and Cyprus music and theatre industries. He has worked with the National Theatre of Greece, the Cyprus State Theatre, as well as many independent theatres and theatre groups in both countries. He is the founder and President of ASSITEJ Cyprus and the President of the Association for the Welfare of People with Mental Disabilities in Cyprus.

Vicky Ireland (United Kingdom) is a writer, director, producer and qualified Drama teacher for Children and Young People. She worked in the original Theatre-in-Education Company at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry as an actor/teacher, and then in theatre companies across the UK. As Artistic Director of Polka Theatre, London, she directed, produced and commissioned new theatre writing for children. She was a member of the ASSITEJ EC for six years, held the role of Treasurer and is an Honorary Member of ASSITEJ International. With fellow theatre artist Daryl Beeton, she co-founded IIAN. Vicky is a board member of IIAN.

Publicity Info

Primary Language
Accessibility Information
Event Format
On Ground Only