Please note this is a meeting for project partners and so tickets are not available to general delegates. If you are a project partner and require a ZOOM link for virtual attendance, please contact Cristina Cazzola.

A meeting for all 'ForesTEEN' project partners.

'ForesTEEN' aims to innovate cultural offerings for the next generations, through a participatory observation pathway that experiments with different listening settings. The goal is to understand how an exchange with adolescants can stimulate "trans-generational dialogue," which can be a driver of innovation.


Capitalizing on the links created and lessons learnt in the previous 'CREA' project, we aim to produce formalized results which can disseminate a scalable and sharable approach. This innovation will not only be a formal transformation, but will also trigger a process aimed at renewing job opportunities in the cultural sector so that they reflect the skills of young people more effectively.


Young people must feel that the cultural offering concerns them, in order to to find involvement and regain confidence in their ability to have an impact on society. This enables them to move from disinterest to interest and involvement, both as spectators and as creators/co-creators of content. The aim of the project is to strengthen participation as an artistic and political principle. To this end, the process begins with sharing the tools required to develop critical thinking, and ends with the TEENs' delivery to policy makers of actual guidelines for the creation of inclusive and sustainable cultural offerings. 


This approach to transgenerational dialogue as a tool for innovation is made viral, which creates an informal network. This network uses the ability of the young people and curators to act as ambassadors, and the power that the voice of young people has to bring about a change of vision in adults, to establish a space for transgenerational and fruitful dialogue in Europe. As it is based on interacting with the new generations, those citizens known as Greta's generation, 'ForesTEEN' considers the urgencies imposed by the environmental crisis as priority issues and the green thread of the project. These citizens have proven to be the most apt to arouse empathy and innovation by talking about 'the future of the planet' as it is 'their' future, and they feel part of the same ecosystem. 




ForesTEEN involves 10 partners. 


Seven of these have established experience in managing international festivals and events and are part of the ASSITEJ International network. 


The main partner is the association Segni d'infanzia from Mantova, with experience in adolescent involvement processes and in the management of 'Creative EU' thanks to its previous experience in 'TEEN'. 


Previous TEEN partner Teatrecentrum

ASSITEJ e.V. / Kinder- und Jugendtheaterzentrum (DE), 

MENŲ SPAUSTUVĖ / Arts Printing House (LT)

Stichting Jeugdtheater Amsterdam / Theater De Krakeling (NED), 

Association of Theater for Children and Young People ASSITEJ Srbija (RS), 

Theatre Massalia (FR), 

laSala (SP), 


Other significant partners are a theatre company experienced in co-curatorial processes with teenagers and the CNR Italy. Compagnie22 and CNR were chosen for an active observation role, with two different points of view: Compagnie 22 from the artistic point of view, and CNR from the scientific point of view. 


Compagnie 22 has, over the past three years, managed co-writing processes with young people touring Europe with the 'OK Boomer' project. They are responsible for the co-curated product of WP8 and will do this by connecting with the LA SALA community, holding a residency in their spaces, and by conducting a co-curated workshop for teenagers (TEEN AMBASSADORS) visiting one of the Global Meetings of Signs

The National Research Council (CNR), on the other hand, is a national public research institution with multidisciplinary competences, supervised by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR). Founded in 1923, it has the task of carrying out scientific research projects and applying the results for the development of the country. It also aims to promote innovation, internationalise the 'research system' and foster the competitiveness of the industrial system. It has been chosen by the partners in the theatre sector as an authoritative body able to guarantee the positioning and reputation of the research results.

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