Scene Design & New Technologies in TYA - Afternoon Session
ASSITEJ Serbia & SCEN Centre For Scene Design, University Of Novi Sad
International / International

Together, we are at a turning point where new technologies are being introduced to theatre and performing arts for children and young people (TYA) as innovative ways to tell stories and engage audiences. We are also at a turning point where new means of engaging with visual arts and design are being trialled in TYA in relation to space, light, sound, visual identity, puppets, and / or objects. The ‘Scene Design & New Technologies in TYA' conference will explore new developments, prospects, and challenges in these fields. With participating artists, researchers, producers, and pedagogues coming from different backgrounds and disciplines, we will search for new and diverse languages and channels of communication about scene design and technological innovation in TYA with young audiences and new generations. Through presentations and conversations about the work of our guest speakers, we will consider numerous topics from various angles:

  • What does imaginative and creative use of staging really mean in contemporary TYA?
  • How do we create truly original scene design, especially under adverse economic conditions?
  • What are the perspectives of young and emerging artists on the future of scene design?
  • How can we really integrate technology instead of just using it as a spectacle for the sake of it?
  • What thematic areas does technology unlock and allow us to talk about?
  • Can technology help us get to engage children and young people better?
  • What are the advantages and challenges of the technological revolution, and how do we best talk about them?



Towards Sensuous Ecologies –
Immersive Stage Design
Dalija Aćin Thelander, Serbia/Sweden

Micro Cinema Theatre: Applications of Audiovisual Arts to Object Theatre
A Multilayer Visual Narrative for a New Definition of Theatre
Frau Tapp company (Switzerland), Mina Trapp and Matteo Frau

High Tech High Touch
Davide Venturini, TPO

15:30-17:00 GMT+1
Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade
Laboratory of Interactive Arts

As part of the presentation of the possibilities of immersive practices, virtual reality and new art formats, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the work of the Laboratory of Interactive Arts, as well as the potential offered by the modern context of the digital environment, new technologies, and multimedia consideration of artistic expressions as a whole.

Dr Mirko Stojković, Professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts - Immersive Theatre and Nano Spectacle

Branko Sujić, Professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts - Possibilities of Virtual Space in the Theatre

Pavle Dinulović, Assistant Professor - Dialogue Between Art and Science in Alternative Stage Practices

Moderator: Dr Jovana Karaulić, Assistant Professor and Vice Dean at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts

About the Artists

Dalija Aćin Thelander (Sweden/Serbia) is already a globally recognized artist who has her own worlds, each time different, new and increasingly creative, which she shares with the youngest possible audience - babies. It proves that with enormous research work and thinking it is possible to combine the use of modern technology and completely innovative stage design, creating theatre performances that offer us real artistic events that will be remembered for a long time. Dalija will address the participants of the congress with her view on the world of new technologies and the stage of design in the plays she produces.

Frau Trapp (Switzerland), characterized by strong visual and musical expression, will tell us about their latest production, and a special way in which they combine puppet theatre, animated film and technology, warning of challenges which we face irresponsibly rushing towards the future.

Davide Venturini (Italy) is a pioneer in the application of new technologies in theater for children and young people. With his 'Children's Cheering Carpet' project, he proved that with skillful, intelligent and expedient application of new (every day more and more perfect) technical and technological achievements, they can push the boundaries of theatre for children and young people. He will talk about his experience related to multimedia, interactive performances-installations, which is also the audience had the opportunity to see us at the TIBA festival many years ago.

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