The Rights Of Children & Young People To Culture: 10 Years Later - Morning Session
International / International

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It was ten years ago, in 2013, that the General Commentary of the UN Committee for Children’s Rights on the Rights to Culture (Articles 13 and 31) was last issued. It is on this basis that FAS - ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023 (Serbia) will officially open on Monday 20th November, World Children's Day, with an all-day academic and professional conference entitled, ‘The Rights Of Children & Young People To Culture: 10 Years Later’. Hosted by the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the University of Arts in Belgrade, a key partner and supporter of ASSITEJ Serbia, the programme will run from 9:00 to 17:00. The conference will open with a dialogue on the legal and political foundations of the rights of children and young people to culture, in which domestic and foreign experts ranging from ombudsman and public institutions to international and domestic organisations for children's rights, as well as universities, will participate. 

The conference was co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Tourism and Youth of the Republic of Serbia and the City of Belgrade.


9:00-9:30 GMT+1
Welcome coffee, delegates registration

9:30-10:00 GMT+1
Opening Ceremony
Prof. Miloš Pavlović, Dean of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade
Stanko Blagojević, Assistant Minister of Culture for International Relations and European Integration in the field of Culture
Nataša Mihailović Vacić, Secretary for Culture of the City of Belgrade
Diana Kržanić Tepavac, President of ASSITEJ Serbia

10:00-10:30 GMT+1
When the Shadow Becomes Collective, Will There be a Place for Mine?
Irena Ristić, Professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Department of Theory and History, Co-founder of the micro collective Hop.La!


Opening panel
UN Convention for the Protection of Childrens Rights: Significance and Realities
Ms. Leda Koursoumba, former Cyprus Commissioner for the Protection of Children's Rights, Honorary Member of the ASSITEJ Cyprus board
Jelena Stojanović
, Ombudsman Deputy
Anna Sofia Erasmie, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Sweden Belgrade, Serbia
Moderator: Prof. Emerita Dr Milena Dragićević Šešić, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade

12:00-13:00 GMT+1
Panel 2

The role of Culture and Art for Children in Education: Inclusion and Participation in the Upbringing of New Generations
Anamarija Viček, State Secretary, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia (TBC)
Yvette Hardie, Honorary President of ASSITEJ South Africa
Maša Avramović, PhD student and Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy, Sodertorn University, Sweden - Participation of Children and Artists as Co-creation of Culture
Moderator: Jovana Karaulić, Vice Dean, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade

About the Artists

Irena Ristic is an artist and researcher in the fields of psychology, social science and art, and is focused mostly on generative processes, collective and meta-artistic practices. She conducted a number of studies, art pieces, performances, and in-disciplinary projects. Also known as the author of Small Door, other works include: About Commoning and the Paths of Radical Imagination (2021), Essays on Friendship and Possession (2019), Beginning and the End of Creative Process (2010), co-author of Psychology of Creativity (2013), the editor of Taking Care of the Yard (2017), and co-editor of the volumes Theater Within the Context… and Not Just Theater (2016), Theater and/in the times of War (2009) and On Creativity and Arts: Contemporary Psychological Research (2015). She is a co-founder of the micro collective Hop.La!, professor in the Department of Theory and History at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts University of Arts in Belgrade, and an associate of a more organisations on the independent cultural scene of Belgrade.

Leda Koursoumba is Vice President of the Cyprus Red Cross Society, Honorary Member of the Board of ASSITEJ Cyprus, Academic Member of the Council of ARTE Music Academy. Leda was Law Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus (2002-2019), Commissioner for Children's Rights (2007-2019), Head of the Ad Hoc Technical Committee on the Laws within the framework of the Good Offices of the UN Secretary General for the Solution of the Cyprus Problem (2002-2004) (2015 - ), member of the Council of Europe Ad Hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (2016-2021), representative of ENOC to the Council of Europe Lanzarote Committee for the protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (2015-2019), President of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC) (2012-2013), President of the Cyprus National Institution for the Protection of Human Rights (2003-2008), member of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Cyprus to the European Union (1998-2004), founding member and Secretary of the Board of the Music and Fine Arts Funds (1983-1992). Leda was born in Nicosia, studied law in England, is a Barrister at Law, registered advocate in Cyprus, specialized in the field of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Human Rights Law, in particular Children's Rights Law. Leda represented Cyprus before international and European courts, including the European Court of Human Rights and agencies and committees of the United Nations, such as the "treaty bodies", the Council of Europe and the European Union. Leda participated in the drafting of the "Manual on the Basic Principles of Administrative Law", edited by the Committee of Experts on Administrative Law of the Council of Europe. Leda is co-author of the "Systematic Commentary of the Treaty of Accession of the Central and Eastern European Countries, Cyprus and Malta to the E.U.", published by the University of Hagen (wrote the chapter on Cyprus).

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