This fairy tale about a stolen prince and a lost princess begins with a story about a great injustice: in days gone by in the ‘Middle Flower Kingdom’ only a boy was allowed to inherit the imperial throne. In this land where boys and girls are not considered equal, two imperial twins are born. Cruelly separated at birth, they each go their own way and overcome many obstacles in their path.
Finally, these paths cross and they are reunited - but were the stolen prince and the lost princess as wise as they were good? Did they change the unjust and cruel laws of days gone by? Who will be the new ruler - the emperor or the empress?
Production Credits
Branislava STEFANOVIĆ, Direction, Theatrical Adaptation & Movement
Katarina ILIJAŠEVIĆ, Assistant Direction & Choreography
Tanja ŽIROPAĐA, Set Design
Maria Marković MILOJEV, Costume Design
Martina MALOBOVIĆ, Costume Design Assistant
Dragana JOVANOVIĆ, Music
Nikola VELIČKOVIĆ “Youth Ballet”, Percussion
Mila STIJAK, Répétiteur
Marijana Vićentijević BADOVINAC, Performer - Narrator
Goran BALANČEVIĆ, Performer - Long Fu / Court Cook’s Young Son / Emperor’s Animator / Lee Mee / Duck / Big Green Dragon
Arsenije TUBIĆ, Performer - Ving Lee / His Young Sister / Props Master / Thin-Voiced Bandit / Scribe
Ljiljana PEROŠ, Performer - Sing Lu / Court Nanny
Nenad RADOVIĆ, Performer - Hay Tee / Poor But Honest Fisherman / Later The Imperial Father
Katarina DIMITRIJEVIĆ, Performer - Lay Mu / His Wife / Later The Imperial Mother
Aleksa JOVČIĆ, Performer - Joy / Young Stolen Prince / Later The Young Chinese Emperor
Filip STANKOVSKI, Performer - Joy / Young Stolen Prince / Later The Young Chinese Emperor
Nikola KERKEZ, Performer - Lu Hu / Bandit Leader / Hangman
Sandra Rodić JANKOVIĆ, Performer - Al See / His Mother / Al Hu / Bandit / Imperial Court Guard Commander
Ivana ADŽIĆ, Performer - Tee Vee / Lost Princess / At The End The Young Chinese Empress
Đorđe KREĆA, Performer - Hay Hu / Bandit / Imperial Court Guardsman Who Has A Wife
“YOUTH BALLET“ LAZAR TIRIĆ UNA STEPANOVIĆ ANA ĐERKOVIĆ ANA SVORCAN, Performers - Army Of The Imperial Court / Chinese Acrobatic Troupe / Big Green Dragon
"The Stolen Prince" Is Presented By Arrangement With Concord Theatricals On Behalf Of Samuel French, Inc.
About the Artists
Dan Totero was a 20th-century American writer whose career peaked in the period between the two world wars. In addition to dramatic texts, such as the one based on which this play was created, Totero was also involved in film scriptwriting. The titles he has been involved in are often adventurous and full of action, such as the movie The Count of Monte Cristo. Dan's own brother, Roland Totero, is famous for his role as a cinematographer in over 30 Charlie Chaplin films. Branislava Stefanović, Director (theatre, video, sound), is a full Professor and Chairperson of the Arts Council of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the University of Arts in Belgrade. She founded and runs the Sound Experience Laboratory at FDU - room64. As an author and director, she has written numerous theater plays, interdisciplinary actions, performances, radio dramas, and sound art installations, as well as five television series and the television film My Voice. She collaborated with most of the professional theatres in Serbia, as well as with the Kugla glumiste troupe from Zagreb. She participated in the Dubrovnik Summer Games, Bitef, October Salon, Mixer, Resonate, Composer's Tribune and the HUB12 Gallery.