Re:GENERATION - Searching For & Finding A Multigenerational Dialogue
The German-Speaking ASSITEJ Centres: ASSITEJ Austria, ASSITEJ Germany, ASSITEJ Liechtenstein, ASSITEJ Luxembourg & ASSITEJ Switzerland
International / International
In the world of Theatre & Performing Arts for Young Audiences, the ground is always shifting under our feet. New work paradigms are being driven by individuals, by theatres, and by the economic realities we face. There is a significant transition in our leadership, with members of the ‘founding generation’ leaving or stepping back and handing over to their successors and the next generation. Change always offers immense opportunities to take fundamentally different paths. For example, conventional forms of collaboration and hierarchical structures are being questioned and critiqued, not only in our own field but across all sectors. This roundtable will raise questions and collect practical examples of how succession planning and transition can unfold for both the "old timers" and the "spring chickens". What do both groups need to make the transition smooth and effective? How can the different generations of TYA professionals work together to forge a new path? What stays, what remains?

Production Credits

Anja SCZILINSKI, Artistic Director Burgtheaterstudio/Burgtheater, Chairperson Of The Board Of Directors ASSITEJ Austria Andreas BAUMGARTNER, Director Theatre Of The Child In Linz, Vice Chairman Of The Board ASSITEJ Austria Natascha GRASSER, Artistic Director Mezzanin Theater In Graz, Board Member ASSITEJ Austria Jutta M. STAERK, Artistic Director Comedia Theater Köln, Vice-President ASSITEJ Germany Lisa ZEHETNER, Freelance Dramaturge And Theatre Maker, Board Member ASSITEJ Germany Christoph MACHA, Designated Chief Dramaturge Bühnen Halle, Board Member ASSITEJ Germany Julia Dina HEßE, Freelance Director And Cultural Scientist, Vice-President ASSITEJ Germany And Executive Committee ASSITEJ International Georg BIEDERMANN, President Of ASSITEJ Liechtenstein Gabriele VILLBRANDT, Artistic Director TAK Children And Youth Theatre, Board Member ASSITEJ Liechtenstein Brigitte WALK, Actress, Director, Choreographer, Theatre Teacher Juliana BECK, Management And Artistic Director Creative Academy Liechtenstein, Board Member ASSITEJ Liechtenstein Jean BERMES, Artistic Director Cie Kopla Bunz, Chairman Of The Board ASSITEJ Luxembourg Betsy DENTZER, Storyteller/Actress, Member Of The Board ASSITEJ Luxembourg Petra FISCHER, Dramaturge, President Of The Board ASSITEJ Switzerland

About the Artists

ASSITEJ Germany was founded in 1966 and currently has 480 members. Organizer of Kinder- und Jugendtheaterzentrum in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, and national festival AUGENBLICK MAL!, every two years in Berlin. There are 11 board members, chaired by Brigitte Dethier. ASSITEJ Austria was founded in 1989 to pursue the development, preservation and promotion of theatre for children and young people throughout Austria. It comprises 120 members, including theatre institutions, independent houses, festivals and groups, but also associations, organisers and associated individuals. Members are offered services such as national and international networking, professional exchange, public relations and cultural-political lobbying. In addition, ASSITEJ Austria organises its own events and initiatives that serve to promote an all-Austrian theatre landscape for young audiences. Every year, ASSITEJ Austria awards the STELLA prizes in five categories under an annually changing jury. These STELLA prizes are awarded at a gala at the end of a festival. ASSITEJ Liechtenstein unites various cultural professionals, currently 45 theatre and art professionals, theatre institutions and independent theatres, museums as well as organisations and associations that are involved in the cultural field for children and young people. ASSITEJ Liechtenstein has been involved in the Liechtenstein cultural landscape for 16 years and forms the interface between professional artists and producers and their audience, organisers and the various media. ASSITEJ Luxembourg became a National Centre of ASSITEJ International in 2020. Its 80 members are theatres, companies and individual professionals, as well as amateur theatre groups that work with and for children and youth. The aim is to promote the performing arts for young audiences in Luxembourg and to give a voice to those who are often overlooked by political decision-makers. ASSITEJ Luxembourg organises workshops, conferences and the bi-annual children and youth theatre award. ASSITEJ Switzerland represents the interests of its members, supports their initiatives and objectives, and actively promotes exchange and dialogue between members and their contacts. It is committed to the best possible social, legal and economic conditions for the profession in the dance and theatre landscape. ASSITEJ Switzerland is a catalyst for networking within different professions in theatre and dance for children & youth. The association is also the contact for political decision-makers and authorities in cities and cantons. ASSITEJ Switzerland was founded as ASTEJ in 1972 and since 2014 it bears the quadrilingual name.

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English, French
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