Nordic-Baltic House - What's In A Network?
ASSITEJ Nordic-Baltic Network
International / International

The ASSITEJ Nordic-Baltic Network has a long history of regional collaboration. Every year since 2019, we have hosted a Nordic-Baltic Network House at ASSITEJ Artistic Gatherings, with our latest edition being presented at Bibu - ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2022 (Sweden). This year in Serbia, the session will focus on the importance of regional networks. The ASSITEJ Nordic-Baltic Network will present its work and focus areas, including collaboration on artistic exchange, our work on developing sustainable festival/programming structures between our festivals, as well as other activities from our region. Our vision is to strengthen TYA in the Nordic-Baltic region, share best practices to inspire others, enable more sustainable TYA production/programming structures, and make ASSITEJ even more visible and relevant as an organisation, both within our region and elsewhere. In the latter part of this session, we will invite representatives from other regional and transnational networks to join an open conversation about why networks are important within the framework of ASSITEJ International. This open conversation will start with a short panel introduction before opening up for audience participation.

Production Credits

ASSITEJ Denmark, ASSITEJ Estonia, ASSITEJ Finland (Suomen Assitej), ASSITEJ Iceland, ASSITEJ Latvia, ASSITEJ Lithuania, ASSITEJ Norway, ASSITEJ Sweden

About the Artists

The Nordic-Baltic ASSITEJ Network (NBAN) consists of the National Centres of: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Sweden, and Norway. We collaborate to strengthen performing arts for young audiences in the Nordic-Baltic region. Through the NBAN you will always find updated information on TYA in and from our region, and how to collaborate with us and artists from our region. Most of our National Centres have their own ASSITEJ festivals with international programs. These festivals include INAF -The International Norwegian ASSITEJ Festival (12-16th Sept 2023), BIBU -ASSITEJ Sweden + Teatercentrum (May 2024), Aprilfestival -ASSITEJ Demark + Teatercentrum (April 2023), Jega Cool -ASSITEJ Lithuania (April 2023), NAKS Festival - ASSITEJ Estonia (November 2023), Iceland - Ungi International Festival (2024), Finland - Bravo Festival (March 2024), Latvia - no current ASSITEJ Festival. We have been collaborating on several events such as Nordic-Baltic House in AAG 2019 - 2022, TYA Oslo Nordic-Baltic Performing Arts Residency, and on the general exchange of knowledge and practices between our National Centres. Please visit our Facebook page to find out more.

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