The Little Prince
Kwasha! Theatre Company
The Little Prince, directed by Mwenya Kabwe and Clara Vaughan, is a magical African inspired adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's classic fable. This world-famous, timeless story is brought to life in this exciting production using an innovative and playful fusion of Art forms - Storytelling, Music, and Circus. Presented in multiple languages, this unique South African production of a French masterpiece is enthralling for adults and children alike. This production toured around South Africa in 2018, receiving glowing reviews and a performance invitation from the Lincoln Education Centre. Described as “one of the best festivals shows I have ever seen” by Cue reviewer Sam Spiller, and as a “must-see” by Bloemfontein Courant reviewer Jeretha Oosthuizen, The Little Prince was devised and created by a new theatre company for emerging theatre-makers called, Kwasha!

Production Credits

Co-Directors: Mwenya Kabwe & Clara Vaughan Choreographer and Director of Photography: Daniel Buckland, Set and Costume Designer: Wilhelm Disbergen Lighting Designer: Sibusiso Ndumndum Sound Designer: João Renato Orecchia Zúñiga Stage Manager: Ali Monanye Madiga Actors: Sinenhlanhla Mgeyi, Lesego Chabedi, Mathews Rantsoma, Balindile Ka Ngcobo, Khanyisile Ngwabe Videographer: Lauge Sorenson

Publicity Info

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