Chain Reaction: How To Use Networking To Build New Sustainability Patterns
Segni d’infanzia (Project Leader); Associazione culturale di promozione sociale Lagru; Factory Compagnia Transadriatica; Principio Attivo Teatro; Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro; La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi; Teatro al quadrato ; Assitej Italia

Cooperations versus competition is a key consideration when ensuring long-term sustainability of partnerships - especially when operating within the same country. This workshop will be divided into two parts. Firstly, we will listen to the experiences of Chain Reaction partners as well as a presentation of the story/practices of different festivals. Secondly, there will be a structured workshop using a 'case-clinic' format that will try to improve networking and cooperation practices whilst also focusing on new ideas and approaches to sustainability. To cooperate better we need to know each other. However, when we cooperate at an international level, it is often difficult to understand all the complexities and how the artistic sector in other countries operates. Simultaneously, within a local/national level, there are competing interests between self-promotion and the common good of the sector.
Chain Reaction is a networking project consisting of six Italian festivals that are dedicated to cooperation under the umbrella of Assitej Italia. The importance of sharing knowledge, contacts, and information is a key element of this support which will be explored during this workshop.
The workshop is designed for professional delegates as well as teenagers who wish to participate if they are comfortable with English. Their point of view is of high importance to the networking project partners.
Production Credits
Cristina CAZZOLA, Project Manager and Artistic Director of Segni NEW Generations Festival
Linda EROLI, President of Assitej Italia
Bruno FRABETTI, Producer of “Visioni di futuro, Visioni di teatro, International Festival of Theatre and Culture for the early childhood” (La Baracca Testoni Ragazzi)
Maria Giulia CAMPIOLI, Artistic Director of Trallallero Festival (Teatro al Quadrato)
Lorenzo PALMIERI, Co-Artistic Director of “I Teatri del Mondo” Festival (Associazione Lagru)
Tonio DE NITTO, Artistic Director of Factory Compagnia Transadriatica
Raffella ROMANO, Organizational Manager of Principio Attivo Teatro; Vania Pucci and Renzo Boldrini, Artistic directors of Teatro fra le generazioni
About the Artists
Chain Reaction is a project launched in 2019 by one of the working groups of Assitej Italia. The consortium of festivals aims to foster the international promotion of Italian artists and programmers through a process of networking and knowledge-sharing with some of the most significant European festivals dedicated to children and youth. Chain Reaction was selected by the Italian Ministry of Culture's “Boarding Pass Plus 2019 and 2020” call for proposals which was issued to launch new and innovative networking projects to support internationalisation. Chain Reaction intends to develop Italian festivals to make them recognisable and accessible also to international guests. The network supports the mobility of Italian professionals and programmers with a programme of visits aimed at enhancing the international visibility of Italian artists and programmers.
The Italian professionals involved in the project will have the opportunity to:
-propose their festival as one of the project locations, hosting a presentation of Chain Reaction and an international guest partner.
The international professionals involved in the project will have the opportunity to:
-invite the partners of Chain Reaction to their festivals;
-propose their festival as one of the project locations, hosting a presentation of Chain Reaction;
-recommend interesting festivals to visit that are not part of the current network;
-represent a bridge by connecting interesting contacts and selecting interesting artists and structures with Italian professionals.
The project partners are Italian companies and institutions who organise national and international festivals: Segni d’infanzia (project leader), Mantova; Associazione culturale di promozione sociale Lagru Sant’Elpidio; Factory Compagnia Transadriatica e Principio Attivo Teatro; Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro; La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi; and Teatro al quadrato.
The six Italian subjects taking part in the project are members of ASSITEJ Italia.
Along with these Italian partners, there are already twelve international festivals, whose organisers are particularly interested in the Italian context. They will also be hosting the project partners and presentations of Chain Reaction: Polyglot Theatre (Australia); Assitej Belgium (Belgium); Le Théatre du Gros Mécano (Canada); FITA CHILE – Feria Iberoamericana TeVeo / Assitej Chile de Artes Escenicas para Ninos y Jovenes (Chile); Teatercentrum in Denmark (Denmark); Le Totem – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national Art, enfance, jeunesse (France); Amazons Network (Germany); Shikoku Gakuin University (Japan); Toyooka Theater Festival (Japan); Kitoks festival (Lithuania); Theater Krakeling (Netherlands); BRIK Festival (Netherlands); and KINGFESTIVAL (Russia).
Chain Reaction: How To Use Networking To Build New Sustainability Patterns (trailer)
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