Theatre for Emerging Truth and Liberatory Actions
Rangbhumi: A Happy Playground
This lecture outlines and describes the immersive and participatory processes of Applied Theatre modalities being implemented with youth via Forum Theatre. These Applied Theatre projects focus on themes of systemic education issues, creating climate sustainability practices, narratives on peace and justice in english literature curricula, and mental wellbeing in Mumbai's urban slums over COVID. Theatre performances on such topics have been performed to international audiences including in India, the UK, Spain, the US, Germany, and Australia. This presentation will also focus on Rangbhumi’s work as an Arts and Cultural partner with World Climate School (Norway) that has focused on promoting creative cultural collaboration.

Production Credits

Chetna MEHROTRA, Founder of Rangbhumi

About the Artists

I am a founder of an Applied Theatre organisation named Rangbhumi: A Happy Playground. I am an Image Expression Artist, an Applied Theatre practitioner, a Drama Based Learning facilitator, a TO (Theatre of Oppressed) practitioner, a Playback Theatre practitioner, and a Movement practitioner. I am also a Board member of the International Playback Theatre Network (IPTN), Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed (PTO), and Women Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Education - Maharashtra, India). Additionally, I am an Advisory Committee member of India Drama and Arts Educators Alliance. I have trained participants across borders and have been published by the Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed journal. I am on the review panel of RiDE - Research in Drama Education (The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance).


Theatre for Emerging Truth and Liberatory Actions (trailer)

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