Open Stages: Performing Arts and Social Inclusion
ASSITEJ Spain, ASSITEJ France, and ASSITEJ Italy
During the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2019, ASSITEJ National Centres from France, Italy and Spain united and launched the "Open Stages" project. This project, based around the website, was also presented at the ASSITEJ International World Congress in 2021. It focuses on promoting all that is envisioned and produced by the global TYA community to address migrants and refugees. It is open to everyone who intends to present a show, a play, research, a social project, or anything utilising the performing arts which may be aimed towards migrant children and their families, or to raise the public awareness on the topic. In the spirit of ASSITEJ Italy's PalchiAPerti/OpenStages manifesto, it also addresses themes such as comparison with the Other, listening, and reception. As socially engaged citizens, we bear witness to politicians hijacking the term 'migration' and presenting it in problematic terms for perverse political gain - both in our respective countries as well as in many others. However, we consider the migration to be an essential theme of TYA practice. Today, the situation of the Ukrainian people makes this topic particularly pertinent. Through this seminar, we would like to continue to collect and share examples of good practice from and among delegates. We would like to celebrate those who are implementing projects already, as well as to look for means to help practitioners and National Centres to take their own action.


Open Stages: Performing Arts and Social Inclusion (trailer)

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