World Without Eyes - For 6-18 Month Old Babies - In Person Only
Details constitute the whole, contrasts form dynamics, movements lead to dance. This is how babies learn and perceive life. Interactive dance performance for babies “World Without Eyes (for babies)” is full of various movements, colours and surfaces that awakens senses of babies and enhance their abilities to notice details. The performance invites the baby audience to become active participants and explore the world around through movement and movement itself together with two dancers. This presentation is happening with the support of Perform Europe as part of the IIAN Making Waves project. For in-person participants, see you at: Danmarksgades Skole Urban, 'Pige Gym' on the 1st Floor. - “Catch the Wave” Internationalt gæstespil fra Litauen Danmarksgades Skole Urban, Pigegym (Danmarksgade 53) Dansema Dance Theater opfører deres forestilling ‘World Without Eyes’, som især henvender sig til børn med synsnedsættelser og -variationer. I denne interaktive forestilling bliver detaljer til helheder og kontraster til bevægelse. Sprog: Nonverbalt. Aldersgruppe: 0+

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