International and Inclusive Festivals: Audience Outreach and Accessibility
Lebenshilfe Kunst und Kultur gGbmH
Photo with the three clowns: Grenzenlos Kultur, Production by Theater Hora, Foto by Holger Rudolph Photo with the dancer upside down: Kraut und Rüben (children's festival), Grenzenlos Kultur, Production by tanzbar_bremen, Foto by Holger Rudolph. The organization Lebenshilfe Kunst und Kultur gGmbH has been successfully realizing inclusive cultural projects in the field of performing arts since 1997 such as NO LIMITS Festival, Grenzenlos Kultur Festival, Mittenmang Festival, ALLES MUSS RAUS! Street Theatre Festival and boulevART. Starting with a presentation of the festivals, this international roundtable gives an insight into inclusive festival work in terms of content and organization. Joined by Festival Director of Lebenshilfe Kunst und Kultur Andreas Meder (Germany), Festival Curator Steffen Sünkel (Germany), Artistic Director of Hijinx Theatre Ben Pettitt-Wade (Great Britain), by Directors Sharon Gavrielov and Or Alterman-Barnea of the festival Safe Place (Israel) and Theatre Director Christina Schelhas (Germany). We will be discussing questions like: What is great and what is challenging about planning inclusive festivals in particular? What are the experiences with inclusive performances, especially for young audiences? How do methods such as relaxed performances work to enable a young neurodivergent audience to attend the theatre? How to ensure accessibilities for every audience? What are the difficulties and opportunities of (digital) accessibility? For in-person participants, see you at: Tobakken, Gasværksgade 2, 6700 Esbjerg, in 'Foredragsalen' 1st Floor. - Inkluderende festivaler: Outreach og tilgængelighed Foredragssalen, Tobakken, Gasværksgade 2 Hvordan kan festivaler sikre tilgængelighed for alle publikummer? Hvilke udfordringerne og muligheder indeholder denne bestræbelse? International panelsamtale med festivalleder Andreas Meder (Tyskland), Kurator Steffen Sünkel (Tyskland), kunstnerisk leder Ben Pettitt-Wade (UK), Instruktørerne Sharon Gavrielov & Or Alterman-Barnea (Israel) og Kristina Schelhas (Tyskland). Mødesprog: engelsk.


International and Inclusive Festivals: Audience Outreach and Accessibility (trailer)

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