Image. Body. Stories.
Mind the Gap
Image. Body. Stories is co-facilitated by Mind the Gap's Artistic Director, Joyce Nga Yu Lee and Associate Artist Dance, Karen Bartholomew, and three of the learning disabled performers in 'A Little Space'. This one-hour on-line workshop will give participants a glimpse into the inclusive practice that Mind the Gap uses to create theatre. In the session, participants will experience the warm-up techniques that were used in preparation of the piece, how to create meaning and stories with our physical bodies, the chance to speak to the performers and ask any questions about the 'A Little Space' film. Suitable for anyone aged 14+ with or without disabilities, but it is most relevant for anyone who has watched the film, or local artists interested in working with people with learning disabilities and/or autism. This presentation is happening with the support of Perform Europe as part of the IIAN Making Waves project. For in-person participants, see you at: Tobakken, Gasværksgade 2, 6700 Esbjerg, in 'Foredragsalen' 1st Floor. - IMAGE.BODY.STORIES Foredragssalen, Tobakken, Gasværksgade 2 Denne online workshop givet et indblik i Mind the Gaps (England) kunstneriske praksis og arbejde med mennesker med indlæringsvanskeligheder og/eller autisme. Det er en fordel at have set ”A Little Space” forud for denne workshop (se program for tirsdag). Mødesprog: engelsk.


Image. Body. Stories. (trailer)

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