To join, to add, to unite, to gather, to group, to amass, and to collect are among the meanings of the Euskera verb ‘batu’. In the language of the Basques, ‘batu’ descends from ‘bat’, which means ‘one’.


B A T U is a great game of lines, paths, intersections, spaces, maps, constructions, combinations and discoveries, where creativity and play meet to paint, fold, glue, join, compose, and build. The game begins with a rectangle, which invites young artists to join together and explore inquisitively to create a unique artistic experience. A collective event for the whole family, it starts with this question: ‘What if we start playing from a rectangle?’


Two colours. Black and White. Positive and Negative. Empty and full. Inside and outside. The line that creates the rectangle. A rectangle that is also a window, which serves to sharpen the gaze, and creates spaces and dimensions. Maps?  Paths? Houses? Cities? Cartographies? Possible worlds that are invented and that exist in this space of relationship that we will build together.


This event is primarily for young children and delegates are asked to stand back and take the position of observers rather than audience members.

Production Credits

Ieltxu Ortueta, Creation, performance & playing space

Gil Fuser, Music creation

Lua Bernardes Ortueta, Music voice-over

Julio Dojcsar, Installation (cubes)

Artefactos Bascos, Production

About the Artists

ARTEFACTOS BASCOS is the platform for the creation of multidisciplinary projects focused on children. It was created by the Basque artist Ieltxu Ortueta, who has been based in Brazil since 2003. He investigates interactive and relational proposals with children through artistic procedures (visual arts, performance art and graphic design), looking for collective and unique creations where we are all artists. He creates the artistic residency EUP! [Unique Powerful Encounters] which focuses on contemporary art for children in Cunha, where he lives. He has presented his work in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Norway, Finland and Palestine.


He is member of VINCULAR Network (Latin American Network of Creation for Early Childhood), Small Size Network (Network for the diffusion of Performing Arts for Early Childhood) and ASSITEJ Brazil (CBTIJ).

Publicity Info

Dosier del espectáculo B A T U com mas informaciones
    • Aimed Towards Children
Primary Language
Accessibility Information
  • Non-Verbal
  • Relaxed (adapted to people with communication difficulties, autism or sensory impairment)
Event Format
All Contributors ‘On the Ground’